Descargar The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African Written By Himself (Annotated) (English Edition) de Equiano PDF ePub
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SUBJECTSlaves -- Great Britain -- BiographyEquiano, Olaudah, 1745-1797CONTENTSPageCHAP. I.The author's account of his country, their manners andcustoms, &c. 49CHAP. II.The author's birth and parentage—His being kidnappedwith his sister—Horrors of a slave ship 65CHAP. III.The author is carried to Virginia—Arrives in England—Hiswonder at a fall of snow 80CHAP. IV.A particular account of the celebrated engagementbetween Admiral Boscawen and Monsieur Le Clue 94CHAP. V.Various interesting instances of oppression, cruelty, andextortion 112CHAP. VI.Favourable change in the author's situation—Hecommences merchant with threepence 129VOLUME IICHAP. VII.The author's disgust at the West Indies—Formsschemes to obtain his freedom 147CHAP. VIII.Three remarkable dreams—The author is shipwreckedon the Bahama-bank 160CHAP. IXThe author arrives at Martinico—Meets with newdifficulties, and sails for England 173CHAP. X.Some account of the manner of the author's conversion tothe faith of Jesus Christ 189CHAP. XI.Picking up eleven miserable men at sea in returning toEngland 207CHAP. XII.Different transactions of the author's life—Petition to theQueen—Conclusion 227
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano schomburg center for research in black culture jean blackwell hutson research and reference division the new york public library the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african written by himself new york public library digital collections accessed may 18 2020
Interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano written by himself second edition the bedford series in history and culture january 19 2006 palgrave macmillan hardcover in english 2 edition
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african written by himself ebook equiano olaudah kindle store
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african is considered the first major slave autobiography in english literature it served as the prototype for the
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano the interesting narrative of t the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african written by himself 2 edelliset kuvat seuraavat kuvat lisää vähemmän kuvaan voi liittyä käytön rajoituksia katso käyttöehdot finnaarvio 0 the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african written by himself this is a fascinating account of equianos time spent in enslavement and his attempts at becoming an independent man through his study of the bible and his success in gaining his own freedom and in business thereafter
The interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano 2 the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano or gustavus vassa the african written by himself by olaudah equiano olaudah equiano created a record of the 18th century slave trade through his firsthand knowledge and experiences and the writing of this book